The 3 Angels Message is one of the most urgent and important messages of the Bible, contained in Revelation 14:6-12. This is the last warning and the last call to humanity before the coming of Jesus Christ. It tells worshipers to return to authentic worship while condemning false cult systems and the dire consequences of the rejection of God’s truth.
What is the 3 Angels Message?
The 3 Angels’ Message is comprised of three separate messages delivered by three angels in Revelation 14. These messages define the last attempt made by God to humanity, inviting all to make a choice between truth and lies.
The sermons coupled with each angel have significant lessons that must be learned, thus explaining:
- The First Angel’s Message – Starts with acknowledging God as the Creator and that his judgment of the world has commenced.
- The Second Angel’s Message – Warns against the downfall of Babylon which sybolizes false religion.
- The Third Angel’s Message – It serves as a stern warning concerning the beast worship which, in summary, brings God’s punishment.
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The First Angels Message Worship the True God
“The First’s Message” “For during those days, they will persecute others and lead to death all those who shall not accept the mark of the beast. Turn to the True God.”
Revelation: 14:6-7 (NKJV)
“Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. Saying in a loud voice, ‘Let us worship the Almighty who created heaven… in addition to dozens of other creation such as seas, rivers and so forth.’”
Important Aspects of the First Angel’s Message
- The Everlasting Gospel
- Means unalterable. It cannot be changed or negated. Examples: Engraved rocks telling of Christ would take to England, “The cross and the Shot.” …
- The first angel brings the everlasting gospel, that is the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.
- This gospel is for every nation and tribe.
- Let’s us not forget that the doctrine to salvation,of Jesus Christ, brings out and is set for all who seeks for God’s protection provided unto each of His children.
- Fear God and Give Him Glory:
- It shows that God built a wondrous world for His glory.
- To “fear” God is to “hold Him in awe.”
- This is the second reason for this care, I believe.”
This statement indicates that we are living in a time of judgement.
- The investigative judgement, which began in 1844 according to bible prophecy, is underway, determining who will be saved.
- Worship the Creator.
- The angel especially directs worship to “Him who made heaven and earth.”
- This invocation depicts acknowledgement of God as the creator, a claim that also relates to the sabbath command (Ex. 20:8-11).
- This claim, made against the backdrop of a world that increasingly denies creation and embraces secularism, is a call to have faith in the bibble.
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The second angels message The fall of Babylon
Rev. 14:8 (NKJV)
And another angel followed saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine ofthe wrath of her fornication.”
What does Babylong represent?
- In the bible Babylon symbolizes confusion and spiritual dementia.
- The name derives from the tower of Babel (Gen. 11) were human pride culminated to rebellion against God.
- In prophecy Babylon Stands for false religious systems that lead people away from the truth of the bible.
Why has Babylon fallen?
- As stated earlier, “Babylon has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
- This implies that corrupt teachings and doctrines have set a universal scope and fooled a great number of people.
- The true worship of God has been overshadowed by self-imposed religious customs, fabricated doctrines, and misinterpretations of His Word.
- The second angel summons everyone to remove themselves from any organization that is contrary to God’s truth.
How This Message is Important Today
- Numerous churches and other religious organizations merge pagan customs and secular influences into their doctrines and violate the gospel.
- The collapse of Babylon signifies that these institutions have become totally spiritually bankrupt and are destined to suffer the consequences of God’s wrath.
- This serves as the believers’ admonition to come out of Babylon and worship Him in truth and in spirit.
The Message of the Third Angel The Mark of the Beast
Revelation 14:9-10 (NKJV)
“A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: ‘If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury…’”
Who Is The Beast?
- The beast is a power opposing God that the beast represents such false-worship.
Revelation 13 describes the beast as enforcing a worship system that opposes the morals of God.
What Is The Mark Of The Beast?
- The mark of the beast represents a person who follows untrue belief systems.
- It is received on the forehead, signaling the acceptance of the belief, or the hand, signifying the performance of the actions.
- Unlike the mark of the beast, the seal of God is given to those who stay true to His commandments.
The Warning Of The Third Angel
- Those that accept the mark of the beast will be subjected to the most sever final judgment of God.
- This mark comes with a judgement that is most severe in nature, as it has eternal implications.
- Ladies and gentlemen, in order to stay away from persecution, the third angel encourages believers to remain faithful to God and denounce idolatry.
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Why The 3 Angels Message Matters Today
This call sends a message because many are in a state of spiritual and moral decay. Blinded by bad theories and entangled in the material life, so many people have lost the sense of reality. It is time for us to prepare and turn back to Jesus in what is best described by 3 Angels’ Message.
How To Respond To The 3 Angels Message
- Study the Bible – Instead of relying on people, readers are encouraged to go directly to the Word for the most objective truth.
- Keep the Commandments of God – Follow all of God’s laws, such as the Holy Sabbath, which indicates the authentic Creator.
- Reject Objections to Orthodoxy – Remain vigilant towards teachings which are unorthodox or those that give preference to people over the Lord’s authority.
- Live By Faith in Christ – Place your faith in Jesus to both save you and to help you be true to your faith.
- Spread the Word – Assist other people in coming to terms with this critical message before time runs out.
The Three Angels Message stands as one last appeal from God to man with all its solemnity. It gently summons worshippers to underline the true God, apart from spiritual frauds and Jesus’ loyal followers. This group of people, who acknowledge the call, will be primed for Christ’s return. And, live hereafter in heavenly bliss, receiving the gift of everlasting life. The decision lies with you. Whether to accept God’s truth or the world’s delusion?
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